Oilfield & Industrial Accidents

Common Oilfield Injuries And Your Rights

Man with a safety hat on, standing next to an oil derrick
Metier Law Firm

By Metier Law Firm

4 min read

The Reality of Oilfield Dangers

While the oil and gas sector has been a significant contributor to the economy in states like Wyoming and Colorado, it's also been a work field rife with dangers that require the services of an oil field lawyer to navigate. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), every worker deserves a safe working environment. But let's face it, oil fields are not always the safest places. Until 2015, the industry wasn't even mandated to report injuries, making it challenging to gauge the actual risk involved.
Oil Field Accident Attorneys

Common Injuries and Accidents

Oilfield workers working at a drilling siteHere's a rundown of the most frequent injuries you should be aware of working in an oil field:

  1. Falls: Working on elevated rigs is part of the job, and without the right safety precautions, a fall can be disastrous.
  2. Explosions and Fires: Oil and gas are highly combustible. Activities like drilling and welding can trigger dangerous fires, leading to major injuries.
  3. Contact with Equipment: Heavy machinery like pipes and chains can cause severe, often catastrophic injuries.
  4. Entrapment: It's not uncommon for workers to get their limbs caught in equipment, leading to catastrophic or even fatal outcomes.
  5. Chemical Exposure: Hydrogen sulfide poisoning is a real threat in oil field jobs, especially in poorly ventilated areas.
  6. Structural Failures: Overloading or poor construction can lead to rig collapses, which can lead to life-altering injuries.
  7. Electrocution: Corrosive chemicals and worn wires can be a deadly combination, leading to injury or even fatalities due to electrocution.

Legal Options: Workers' Compensation and Beyond

Man with safety hat on standing on a platform next to an oil derrickIf you've been injured, you're likely eligible for workers' compensation, which should cover your medical bills and some lost wages. However, these benefits can often fall short. That's where an oilfield accident attorney comes into play. You might also be able to file a third-party claim. For instance, if you've been hurt by faulty machinery or equipment, you may have the right to take legal action against the company that made it. Companies are not allowed to sell products that are dangerously flawed and could predictably harm people. If they do and you get injured, you can file a lawsuit to seek compensation for your injuries.

If someone else, like a supplier or a third party, is responsible for your injury, you could potentially file a personal injury lawsuit against them. This is possible if they fail to act with the level of care that is generally expected, leading to your injury.

You may also be entitled to compensation for things like pain and suffering, physical scars, and not being able to enjoy life as you did before the injury. Workers' compensation doesn't cover these non-physical damages, even though they can be significant.

If a family member has died due to wrongful actions, surviving relatives can file a lawsuit to get full compensation for their loss.

You don't need to figure out on your own if you can file a claim against someone other than your employer. Instead, it's best to consult with an oil field injury lawyer who knows how to evaluate these kinds of cases. Depending on the details, you might have a strong case against a third party. An oil field accident lawyer from Metier Law Firm can guide you through these complex processes.

Why You Need an Oil Field Accident Lawyer

As soon as you report an injury, your employer and their insurance company will start gathering evidence to minimize their liability. You'll likely receive a call from an insurance adjuster asking for your side of the story. It's crucial to consult an experienced oil field injury attorney before speaking to anyone. Your statements can be used against you later in the legal process, and without speaking to your attorney first, you could be losing compensation before you even get started.

Final Thoughts

A man standing in between two oil derricksThe oil and gas industry is fraught with risks, but knowing your rights and the types of injuries you could face can prepare you for the worst. If you or a loved one has been injured, don't hesitate to seek legal advice from a personal injury attorney at Metier Law Firm. Time is of the essence, and you don't want to miss out on the compensation you rightfully deserve.

We hope this blog post provides you with valuable information. If you have any questions or need legal assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to Metier Law Firm, your experienced oilfield accident lawyers at (866) 377-3800 or visit us online at metierlaw.com.

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