Colorado Springs Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Más de 40 años asumiendo casos de accidentes de motocicleta para ayudar a los conductores en todo Colorado.

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Colorado Springs Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Metier Law Firm provides SafeRider™ accident investigation and legal services

For a lot of motorcycle riders, there is nothing quite as liberating as cruising a motorcycle through the mountains and hills surrounding Colorado Springs. Garden of the Gods, Manitou Springs, and Pike’s Peak are some of the most picturesque destinations that are highly popular with motorcyclists.

This coupled with the 300 plus days of sunshine make Colorado Springs and surrounding towns like Florissant, Woodland Park and Monument a popular place for motorcycle enthusiasts.

City Scape Metier

Consult with a Colorado Springs motorcycle accident lawyer with Metier Law Firm today that has the experience, knowledge and resources to maximize your compensation.

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Near Me: Colorado Springs

Riders must exercise more caution than car drivers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2020 motorcyclists were 4 times more likely to be injured than those driving other types of vehicles and 28 times more likely to die in an accident.

Even with the best equipment, injuries to motorcycle riders can be severe and have long-lasting effects. The motorcycle accident attorneys at Metier Law Firm use Saferider accident investigation and legal services to help injured riders recover the highest settlements and verdicts possible. When we aren’t fighting for our clients, we’re riding our motorcycles to Pikes Peak, Manitou Springs and Castle Rock.

We use our personal rider experience to empathize with our clients who were unfairly injured on the high-trafficked roads in Colorado Springs. It’s important to have someone advocate on your behalf who truly understands the details of your case.

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident in Colorado Springs? Follow these Steps:

The things you do after a motorcycle accident have a tremendous impact on your safety, recovery, and the likelihood of obtaining financial compensation. Colorado Springs motorcycle crashes can be extremely overwhelming and can faze you for a while. But it’s important to get your bearings and take all the right steps to preserve evidence and get yourself to safety. Here are some steps to take if you’ve been in a motorcycle accident in Colorado Springs.

  • Make sure you are safe: It is paramount that you escape immediate danger after a motorcycle accident. The scene of a motorcycle crash can be full of hazards and dangers, as the vast majority of these accidents involve fuel leaks and spills that could turn into fires.
  • Make sure the other party realizes what happened: In many motorcycle accidents, motorcyclists get injured, or their injuries are aggravated due to other motorists failing to slow or brake at the scene of the crash. Your priority is to move to a safe place after a motorcycle crash and make sure that other motorists are warned about the crash
  • Get medical attention: Even if you think that you are fine. Seeking medical attention after a motorcycle accident is very important because your failure to get medical care may prompt insurance companies to cite “lack of injury” as grounds to deny your claim. After all, if you did not need medical attention after a motorcycle accident, how can insurers know that you were not injured somewhere else after the crash?
  • Call the police: Reporting the accident is of paramount importance because the police report will serve as key evidence in your legal case against the other party(s) involved.
  • Gather evidence and contact information: Talking to witnesses and all the parties involved is also critical, and so is writing down their contact information such as the full name, address, phone number, insurance info, and many more.
  • Do not report the accident to your insurance company: Unless you talk to a Colorado Springs motorcycle accident lawyer first. Insurance companies will stop at nothing to devalue or deny your claim, which is why you can definitely expect your insurer to use dishonest tactics just so they pay you as little as possible. Only an experienced personal injury attorney can adequately evaluate your case and determine the amount of money you are entitled to.

How Long do I have to Submit a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

The law places a time limit when you can file a claim in a motorcycle accident in Colorado Springs, Colorado. You have two years from the time of the accident within which you are expected to file the claim. That period can, at times, be shorter, like when you are suing a municipality or government entity.

You should file the claim as soon as possible because witnesses’ accounts can change, or these individuals can disappear. You also need proper details about your injuries, treatment, and information regarding the accident, which include the police reports. The sooner your motorcycle accident lawyer starts the process, the better you are protected, and the better your chances of a quick win.

Contact one of our motorcycle lawyers in Colorado Springs, today.

Is Motorcycle Insurance Required in Colorado Springs, Colorado?

All motorcyclists in the state of Colorado are required to carry the minimum level of motorcycle insurance. The property damage is often sufficient, but our Colorado Springs motorcycle accident attorneys frequently see clients with injuries requiring treatment that cost far more than the minimum bodily injury coverage.

The Minimum Motorcycle Insurance Requirements in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

$25,000―per person for bodily injury


$50,000―per accident for bodily injury


$15,000―per accident for property damage

Map Pin Colorado Springs

It’s important to note that medical payments MUST be offered and denied in writing by the insured. If you are injured in a crash, this money will be used to pay for medical treatments before accessing bodily injury coverage or health insurance. It also doesn’t have to be repaid.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents to Look Out for:

Colorado Springs motorcycle accident attorneys at Metier Law Firm have successfully tried motorcycle accident claims with many different fact patterns. In most instances, the fault rests with the driver whose negligence behind the wheel caused the accident.

The most common causes of motorcycle accidents include:

  • Failure to check oncoming traffic when making a left turn
  • Distracted driving, such as texting, talking on the phone, etc.
  • Drunk driving
  • Speeding
  • Following too closely
  • Failure to yield to the motorcycle
  • Failure to check blindspots
  • Dooring, or opening a car door into traffic as a motorcycle passes the vehicle
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Reckless driving
  • Dangerous lane changes
  • Running an intersection
  • Motorcycle lane splitting
Passenger on Motorcycle

Colorado Springs Motorcycle Accident Common Injuries

Most road collisions are complicated events that involve people, machines, environment elements, and other factors. That is why every accident is unique, and the most serious ones result in fatal injuries - especially the ones our Colorado Springs motorcycle accident attorneys see. Severe injuries or death happen because the rider or passenger is thrown from the bike wearing only a helmet and clothing as their protection.

  • Driver Error, inexperience in riding a motorbike, failure to yield to a motorcycle, and speeding are the lead causes of motorcycle accidents in Colorado.
  • Regaining control, of a speeding bike is very different from when trying the same thing with a car or truck. Confidence is an essential part of operating a motorcycle. Any incompetence on the rider can result in crashes on the roads.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol, is another major contributor to many motorbike accidents in the State of Colorado. Intoxicated riders easily lose control of their bikes and crash. Driving while impaired is a traffic offense that attracts stiff punishment.

In some instances, the accident can be attributed to other factors such as dangerous roads or weather conditions. Overall, nothing much can be said about the weather, but your attorney will blame the road safety authorities for the poor road maintenance that led to your accident. In short, there is some level of negligence that might be involved in the crash, and this presents an opportunity for you to pursue a compensation case to recover your losses.

Here are some examples of common injuries our Colorado Springs Motorcycle accident attorneys see:

  • Bone fractures
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Muscle and soft-tissue injuries
  • Dislocations
  • Lower extremity injuries
  • Crush injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Organ damage
  • Road rash and traumatic tattooing
  • Fatal injuries

If you get into a motorcycle accident as a rider or passenger, you can suffer life-changing physical and emotional injuries. You may sustain a physical injury that affects your quality of life or be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. If you suffered any type of injury in a motorcycle wreck in Colorado Springs, you could be eligible for financial compensation.

Reputable Colorado Springs Injury Lawyer: The Lawyers of the West®

Our Lawyers of the West® currently operate out of 9 offices across the United States, but our original office location was in the state of Colorado. Our roots and pride as motorcycle riders and motorcycle accident attorneys are rooted in our Colorado Springs community. We are dedicated to represent our Colorado residents through any kind of accident injury, and while we hope you never need to, please contact us if you find yourself injured from a devastating accident:

Metier Handshake

If Injured in:

Please contact our lawyers at Metier to help you take the next step.

Image of the Metier Law Firm team. | Metier Law Firm

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Do I have a Case?

How Much Should I Be Offered?

Do I Need an Attorney?

If these questions have crossed your mind, let us help. You may need a little direction or may not need an attorney at all, but you deserve to be confident knowing your options.  We can provide you with information about our Attorneys of the West® accident investigations and legal services. Your confidential consultation with us is totally free.

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