Abogado de lesiones cerebrales de Nebraska

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Nebraska Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers

skull xray

Nebraska has the 37th smallest population size in the United States. However, it is 8th for the number of car accidents that occur. Why is this?

As part of the great plains, Nebraska has plenty of beautiful wide open roads to explore, such as I-80. I-80 is one of the busiest and longest east-west interstates in the country.

This heavily trafficked highway runs from one side of Nebraska to the other. It hosts countless commercial vehicles yearly and can become extremely dangerous in bad weather.

Nebraska residents experience extreme heat in the summer, frigid cold in the winter, and extremely high wind speeds. All of these conditions lead to a high number of car accidents and truck accidents, which are prone to causing traumatic brain injuries (TBI). TBIs affect over 2 million people yearly and cause over 60,000 deaths.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) defines “a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as an injury that affects how the brain works.” TBIs can alter the quality of life and financial stability of victims and their families.

Common Symptoms of Nebraska Traumatic Brain Injuries

  • Cognitive effects - slow processing speed, memory loss, trouble concentrating, confusion, etc.
  • Physical effects - chronic pain, difficulty swallowing, physical paralysis or spasticity, etc.
  • Sensory and perceptual effects - trouble using/discerning information from the 5 senses, etc.
  • Speech and language effects - problems reading, talking, slurred speech, writing, etc.
  • Social-emotional or behavioral effects - depression, fluctuating emotions, irritability, aggression, lack of motivation, etc.

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(866) 377-3800

Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury Accidents in Nebraska

Carelessness is often the cause of most traumatic brain injury accidents. TBI accidents only qualify for compensation when another party’s negligence is proven to have contributed to the accident.

Important: Visit a Healthcare Professional in Nebraska

If you have experienced a blow or jolt to the head, it’s essential to see a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Not all TBI symptoms can be noticed right away. Some take months to recognize.

Delaying treatment can hurt your case, making it harder to get the compensation you need to heal. Whether your TBI symptoms are mild or severe, treatment can be expensive. So don’t delay; visit a healthcare professional today.

Being treated by a specialist can provide your Nebraska traumatic brain injury lawyer with invaluable information that will help them build a more compelling case. A healthcare provider can track your injuries to estimate the kind of ongoing medical care and costs you will need.

Possible Compensation for Traumatic Brain Injury in Nebraska

Traumatic brain injuries can cause short and long-term physical, emotional, and financial suffering for its victims. A Nebraska traumatic brain injury attorney can help you collect physical and nonphysical damages to aid your recovery. Punitive damages may also be awarded to cases with extreme recklessness, violence, or negligence. Some damages you may be compensated for are:

  • A live-in caregiver
  • Therapy expenses
  • Both past and future medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Disability accommodations for your home or vehicle
  • Lost wages and loss of future earning ability due to the injury
  • Loss of function and disability
  • Loss of society and companionship
  • Emotional distress

If someone you loved was a victim of a traumatic brain injury and lost their life, our Nebraska traumatic brain injury lawyers can help you file a wrongful death claim.

How is Liability Determined in a Nebraska Traumatic Brain Injury Case?

To be awarded any compensation for your traumatic brain injury in Nebraska, you have to prove that you are injured and that it is because of the negligent behavior of the person you are filing a claim against. This can be a complicated process.

Comparative negligence is practiced in Nebraska when deciding the outcome of a personal injury case where any money is awarded. This means if you were more than 50% responsible for causing the accident, you cannot collect any amount of compensation for your damages. So, you have to prove that the other party holds majority of the blame and therefore is liable for the accident and your traumatic brain injury.

Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury lawyer can guide you through the process and set you up for success. Insurance companies trying to find any excuse they can to avoid paying you the compensation you need and deserve. A quality Nebraska traumatic brain injury attorney, like the ones on the Metier Team, knows how to fight against these tactics. Contact us, so we can fight for you.

Experienced Nebraska Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys

Metier Law Firm is committed to standing up for the victims of careless, reckless, or negligent accidents in Nebraska. The healing process is hard enough without the added stress of trying to pay for it. Metier Law Firm is here to help ease your burden and your mind.

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to negligence, call us at Metier Law Firm, so we can help. Don’t get stuck paying for someone else's careless behavior. When you call, one of our dedicated legal professionals will listen to your experience and review all the evidence. Then, we will evaluate your case and give you a free consultation on the best way to proceed.

Our office in Omaha is here to help. Our knowledgeable traumatic brain injury team will use decades of experience to fight for you. Let the Attorney of the West do what they do best and get the compensation you need and deserve!

Image of the Metier Law Firm team. | Metier Law Firm

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If these questions have crossed your mind, let us help. You may need a little direction or may not need an attorney at all, but you deserve to be confident knowing your options.  We can provide you with information about our Attorneys of the West® accident investigations and legal services. Your confidential consultation with us is totally free.

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