Abogado de accidentes de motocicleta en Washington

Más de 40 años tomando casos de accidentes de motocicleta para ayudar a los motociclistas en todo Washington.

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Metier Law Firm, LLC is proud to provide SafeRider® accident investigation and legal services for our clients.

Washington State and its majestic scenery are well known amongst the motorcycle community. Twisting roads leading to breathtaking sights like Spirit Lake and the Columbia River Gorge attract countless residents and tourists alike every year. Unfortunately, this amount of people and motor vehicles usually means more motorcycle accidents.

In 2021, there were more than 1,800 recorded crashes involving motorcycles, 1,028 of which caused some sort of injury and 84 of which resulted in someone’s death, according to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Any auto accident is a terrible thing to happen, but motorcycle wrecks tend to be some of the most devastating. Despite being one of nineteen states with universal helmet laws for anyone on a motorcycle, Washington still sees far too many of these accidents annually.

Metier Law Firm is excited to use SafeRider® accident investigation and legal services.  If you or someone you know has been injured or lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident in the state of Washington, Metier Law Firm is here for you. Representing motorcycle victims for over 40 years. Do not hesitate to call our Bellevue office for assistance. 

Washington Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Near Me

(866) 377-3800

Where is it Most Dangerous to Ride a Motorcycle in Washington?

Washington is full of winding coastal highways, high mountain passes, and rural country roads. With this much variety in our terrain, motorcycle wrecks can happen in many different settings.

Some of the main regions of our state that see an inordinate amount of motorcycle accidents include:


The roads in and through the Cascades can be narrow, twisted, and sometimes lack guardrails. The cuvyness of the road may be fun for a motorcyclist, but it creates numerous blind curves and sharp turns that in turn cause accidents.

Densely Populated Areas

Our urban centers, like Seattle and Spokane, play host to the majority of all automobile accidents, motorcycles included. Intersections are where most motorcycle collisions take place, and our cities are full of them.

US and State Highways

While cities may see more motorcycle crashes, the ones that happen on rural state and U.S. highways tend to be more serious. Of the 84 fatal motorcycle accidents in 2021, 38 occurred on a Washington State route.

At Metier Law Firm, we don’t care where your Washington motorcycle accident happened. What matters to us is that you are able to heal and recover, and that you receive the financial compensation you need to do it. Call us today, and ask about our SafeRider™ accident investigation and legal services.

What Kinds of Compensation Can I Get for My Oregon Motorcycle Accident?

Injuries sustained in a motorcycle crash are often very severe, if not life-threatening. If you are fortunate enough to survive, chances are good you will be facing mountains of rehabilitation, therapy, and medical expenses, on top of any income you may have lost from your time away from work. 

If the accident was caused by the negligent behavior of another, you are entitled to have these expenses reimbursed by that person. To do so, you must file a personal injury claim, and if it is sucessful, some of the things you could receive compensation for include:

Medical Bills

Pain and Suffering

Repair Costs

Rehabilitation expenses

Lost wages

Lost future earnings

Reduced quality of life

Hiring of personal aides

Wrongful death

If your life and financial well-being have been impacted by a motorcycle accident in Washington State, contact the dedicated team at Metier law Firm. We will stand up to the insurance companies to make sure they don’t pay you what they want to, but what you deserve.

Click to contact our Washington Motorcycle Accident Lawyers today

(866) 377-3800

Do I Need to Hire a Wahington Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

To file a motorcycle accident injury claim in Washington, you are not required to be represented by a lawyer, although it is often advisable to do so. Washington is what is called a ‘pure comparative negligence’ state, meaning damages awarded by a court can be reduced according to the recipients share of the blame for causing the wreck.

If this sounds complicated, it is. That’s why you should call the experienced Washington motorcycle accident attorneys on the Metier team. We know motorcycles, and we know motorcylce accident cases. Metier Law Firm uses SafeRider® accident investigation and legal services.  We will put our knowledge, dedication, and passion to work to get you what you need to get back on your feet or back on the road. Call, toll-free at (866) 377-3800 for your free case evaluation.

Compassionate Washington Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

As advocates for (and even members of) the greater motorcycle community, Metier Law Firm is committed to standing up for the victims of reckless, carelss, or negligent driving in the state of Washington. Our legal team is familiar with these types of personal injury cases, and we’ve worked with other motorcycle riders and their family members get the help they need and deserve. 

If you need a strong experienced ally for your motorcycle accident case, look no further than the Attorney of the West. Our law office in Bellevue is ready to hear from you, and our tenacious team of Washington personal injury lawyers are ready to help, so give us a call for your free consultation today. 

Washington Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Near Me

(866) 377-3800

Motorcycle Accident Case Results


Accidente de moto

Acuerdo de más de $1 millón de dólares por un caso de accidente de moto


Accidente de moto

Acuerdo de $950,000 por un caso de accidente de moto

$1.1 million

Motorcycle Accident

$1.1 million settlement for motorcycle accident

$1.1 million

Accidente de moto

Acuerdo de $1.1 millones por un caso de accidente de moto

Videos from our Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

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What Should I Know About Motorcycle Insurance?

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4 Mistakes Riders Make After a Motorcycle Crash and What You Should Do Instead

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What to Do If You Are First on the Scene of a Motorcycle Crash

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I Was Injured in a Motorcycle Accident While out of State, Who Should I Call for Help?

Washington Motorcycle Accidents FAQ

Many motorcycle accident claims are brought by riders who were injured in single-bike accidents. Some of these accidents are due to defective parts and hardware, and an experienced product liability attorney can help you understand why the crash occurred and how to attribute liability to the responsible party. In other cases, accidents are often caused by hazardous road conditions.

These conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • Improper signage
  • Construction debris
  • Potholes
  • Grading highways
  • Damaged or uneven pavement
  • Gravel, sand, rocks, and loose dirt
  • Trees and vegetation that block or obscure the road

Far too many injured riders receive little or no compensation because they are unable to identify what caused their accident after it occurred. No matter what contributed to your accident, it is important to contact an experienced motorcycle injury attorney as soon as possible so that they can begin investigating the cause of the accident.

At Metier Law Firm, we have access to premier investigative resources that have helped our clients recover hundreds of millions in settlements and verdicts.

We recommend contacting an attorney in your home state as soon as possible to discuss your options.

In some cases, a motorcycle injury attorney in your home state may be licensed to practice in other states as well. Even if an attorney in your home state is not licensed to practice in the state in which you were injured, they may be able to refer you to skilled motorcycle accident attorneys in that state.

In either case, contacting an attorney in your home state provides you with easy-to-access guidance as you pursue compensation for your injuries.

The damages involved in a personal injury case typically include economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages are easily calculable such as:

  • property damage
  • medical expenses
  • lost wages
  • lost economic opportunity
  • future losses that can be reasonably expected as a result of the injury

Non-economic damages are losses or burdens incurred by the accident that are not as easily calculated, such as:

Such as:

  • pain and suffering
  • emotional trauma
  • disfigurement
  • and other serious repercussions a victim would not have otherwise experienced.

What Our Clients Say

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Clienta da su opinión sobre su experiencia con un abogado especialista en accidentes de moto

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Testimonio de cliente sobre su experiencia con nuestro equipo de abogados especialistas en accidentes de camión

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Testimonio de cliente de abogado especialista en accidentes automovilísticos

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Million Dollars Advocates Forum award
Top 1% Trial Counsel award
American Associate for Justice Presidents club 2011
Image of the Metier Law Firm team. | Metier Law Firm

Free Consultation

Do I have a Case?

How Much Should I Be Offered?

Do I Need an Attorney?

If these questions have crossed your mind, let us help. You may need a little direction or may not need an attorney at all, but you deserve to be confident knowing your options.  We can provide you with information about our Attorneys of the West® accident investigations and legal services. Your confidential consultation with us is totally free.

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