Abogados de Lesiones Personales de Oregón

Abogados galardonados por cualquier lesión mortal

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Experienced Oregon Personal Injury Lawyers

If you have been injured or a loved one has died in an accident in Oregon, and the cause was the negligence of another, Metier Law Firm is here for you. Our office in Portland has been helping the victims of personal injury get the compensation they need to put their lives back together. 
For over 30 years, our dedicated personal injury lawyers have learned every detail of the court system and how it works. When you need an accident attorney you can trust, contact us, and let us put that knowledge to work for you. When you give us a call, you will receive a consultation with one of our legal representatives at no cost.

Oregon Personal Injury Near Me

(866) 377-3800

Do I Really Need an Oregon Personal Injury Lawyer?

The circumstances surrounding your accident are unique, as are those around every personal injury case. This means every claim needs to be treated differently, and knowledgeable personal injury attorneys, like those at Metier Law Firm, know the best way for you to approach yours. 

Small claims for relatively superficial injuries may not require the hiring of a lawyer, but larger accidents leading to more extreme trauma should not be handled alone. The amount of money involved in these situations is often very large, and initial settlement offers are usually very low, unless a respected attorney is involved. As such, it is in your best interest to call Metier Law Firm for a free consultation about how to go forward with your case.

Personal Injury Cases We Can Take

Unfortunately, accidents can happen anywhere, at any time, and cause many kinds of personal injury. If the accident was caused by the actions or negligence of someone else, the individual who was hurt should not have to both heal and pay for the expenses. That is why you should contact the experienced personal injury lawyers at Metier Law Firm. We know Oregon law in and out, with over 35 years of helping people who have been hurt due to the carelessness of another.

The dedicated attorneys in our Portland office are ready to fight for the victims of injuries resulting from a wide range of accidents, including:

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What to Do After You’ve Been in an Oregon Accident

If you have been hurt in an accident, it is unlikely your mind will be on anything other than recovery.  However, keeping a few crucial things in mind in the aftermath of the event can mean a much easier path toward receiving the compensation you deserve. After an accident that causes injury to your person, you should do the following:

If you were in a car accident, get away from the flow of traffic, or if you slipped and fell at an unsafe premise, try not to move too much until you can be checked out by a medical professional.

Make an appointment with your doctor, even if you were treated by the paramedics. The medical report will come in very useful when pursuing your claim later.

Take lots of photos from many angles, and save anything you had on you at the time, like clothes, shoes, etc. In the hands of the right personal injury attorney, good pictures and well-preserved evidence can mean a greater chance of success for your case.

Most of the time, it is a matter of procedure to document and report any accidents that happen and the resulting injuries. In the event of a bicycle accident, motorcycle crash, or anything that occurred in the public sphere, the police will create and file an official report that you will have access to. If you were hurt at work, your supervisor or HR department will have a procedure for incident and accident reporting. Get a copy of it and give it to your personal injury attorney.

From the police report to your medical bills, save every piece of paperwork you receive regarding your accident. In the end, this will be how you and your lawyer calculate your total damages and the evidence to back it up.

The most important thing you can do after an injury-causing accident is to contact a reputable personal injury attorney with experience in Oregon, like the ones at Metier Law Firm. It takes compassion, knowledge, and determination to navigate the complex legal system here, so make sure you find a lawyer who checks all those boxes.

Personal Injury Compensation Claims You Could be Eligible For

A horrific accident can cost its victim much more than just money for medical bills. In general, damages that can be included in a personal injury claim are either considered special damages or general damages. The difference is whether the expense was a monetary one, like a hospital bill, or one of a quality of life nature, like pain and suffering.

Examples of some of the damages a victim can file a claim for include:

Special Damages

Medical Bills

Therapy Bills

Lost wages

Reduced Income

Funeral Expenses

General Damages

Pain and Suffering

Emotional Distress

Reduced Quality of Life

Loss of Consortium with a Spouse

Oregon personal injury lawyer

How Long Do I Have to File My Claim?

If you are hurt in an accident in Oregon, generally, you have 2 years after the incident to file a claim. After this time, you lose the legal right to seek compensation and justice for the injuries you suffered. Some general exceptions, however, involve situations where the victim was a minor at the time of injury, an injury that goes undiscovered until later and wrongful death claims. No matter the type of injury, it is in your best interest to call an Oregon personal injury attorney as soon as possible to get your questions answered and to ensure your case is filed.

Call Our Oregon Personal Injury Attorneys Today

At Metier Law Firm, we want you to know that you are not alone. After an injury-causing accident, you need a personal injury lawyer who will look out for your best interests and give you the time to heal and recover. You need an accident attorney with the knowledge and practical experience to see what needs to be done and how to make it happen. You need a law firm like us. We are proud to serve the people of the state of Oregon, and we want to help you when you need it most. If you have been injured due to the negligence of another, call our Portland office, and we will give you a free consultation about your case and what your next steps should be.

Principales razones para elegir Metier Law Firm

El poder de Goliat con el tamaño de David

Ventajas financieras de una gran empresa con la estrecha relación personal con el cliente de una pequeña empresa

Somos los abogados que otros abogados contratan

Abogados de todo el país buscan y confían en nuestra firma para ayudar a sus clientes

Obtenemos resultados

Desde veredictos récord de $ 50 millones hasta acuerdos de límite de póliza de $ 50,000, cada centavo que se pueda ganar, se ganará

100 % dedicados a lesiones personales

No ejercemos ningún otro tipo de derecho y nos dedicamos por completo a ayudar a las víctimas de lesiones personales

Oregon Personal Injury FAQ

It depends, largely on the severity of your injuries and the willingness of the insurance company to settle with you. Some cases can be finished in a matter of weeks, while others drag on for years, but a strong case and a good personal injury attorney tend to speed the process up.

It can vary widely. Because every accident is different, every personal injury case is different, so the amounts awarded to victims will be different, too. Case results can range from thousands to many millions of dollars, depending on the specifics of the accident and the aptitude of the personal injury lawyer involved.

Yes, 2 years. It’s known as the statute of limitations for personal injury, and after this time you forfeit your legal right to claim anything for your damages, with some special exceptions.

Personal Injury Case Results


Defective Product

Over $40,000,000 verdict for a defective vehicle resulting in a spinal cord injury


Accidente automovilistico

Veredicto de $ 52,000,000 para una víctima de accidente automovilístico


Accidente de camión

Veredicto de más de $11 millones por un caso de lesión de la médula espinal en un accidente de camión


Accidente de moto

Acuerdo de más de $5 millones por un caso de accidente de moto

Our Google Reviews

Más opiniones de clientes

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Clienta da su opinión sobre su experiencia con un abogado especialista en accidentes de moto

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Testimonio de cliente sobre su experiencia con nuestro equipo de abogados especialistas en accidentes de camión

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Testimonio de cliente de abogado especialista en accidentes automovilísticos

Premios y Reconocimientos

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Best Lawyers Award
Client Champion Silver 2021 award
AV MH Award
American Associate for Justice Leaders Forum award
Million Dollars Advocates Forum award
Top 1% Trial Counsel award
American Associate for Justice Presidents club 2011
Image of the Metier Law Firm team. | Metier Law Firm

Free Consultation

Do I have a Case?

How Much Should I Be Offered?

Do I Need an Attorney?

If these questions have crossed your mind, let us help. You may need a little direction or may not need an attorney at all, but you deserve to be confident knowing your options.  We can provide you with information about our Attorneys of the West® accident investigations and legal services. Your confidential consultation with us is totally free.

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