Abogados de accidentes de bicicleta a nivel nacional

Más de 40 años atendiendo casos de accidentes de bicicleta para ayudar a personas de todo el país.

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What to look for

Metier Law Firm, LLC is proud to provide SafeRider ® accident investigation and legal services for our clients. We provide paramount service to victims injured in a bicycle crash. Our attorneys realize the sensitive nature of the devastating injuries caused by bicycle accidents and the difficult road of recovery. We also understand that insurance companies and other parties to the litigation are looking out for their own interests.

Our firm’s SafeRider ® accident investigation and legal services are about caring for your needs and making sure that you are properly compensated for your injuries.  The right bicycle accident attorney will have the experience, resources, and knowledge necessary to stand up to the liable party’s insurance company and get you the compensation you deserve to get you riding again.  

If you have been injured in a bicycle crash or someone you love was involved in a fatal bicycle accident, contact a SafeRider ® accident attorney at Metier Law Firm, LLC.  We understand what you want, and we know you deserve justice. We serve clients in Colorado, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, Nebraska and nationwide with our SafeRider ® accident investigation and legal services.

Case Results


Lesión ortopédica

Acuerdo de más de $800,000 por un caso de lesión ortopédica


Muerte por negligencia

Acuerdo de más de $1.45 millones por una reclamación por muerte por negligencia


Lesión cerebral traumática

Acuerdo de más de $1.5 millones por un caso de lesión cerebral traumática (TBI)



Acuerdo de más de $3 millones de dólares por un caso de amputación

Frequently Asked Questions

The first thing you should do is call 911. It doesn't matter if you feel like your injuries are big or small, your injuries need to be documented.  Second, get the name, phone number and insurance information of the vehicle's driver.  You aren't a medical expert and injuries can show up days or weeks after your crash.  Don't assume that you aren't injured because if you say "I'm fine," that can be used against you in your case.  
Bicycles are almost always required to follow traffic laws, but this can be confusing - even to police.  For example, cyclists have been ticketed for riding on the sidewalk in cities that allow riding on the sidewalks.  The best thing to do is seek advice and see if your riding contributed to the crash.  Even if you have been ticketed, it may not be appropriate or it may be different in criminal court than it is in civil court.  This can be complicated, so the best thing to do is seek advice and find out your options. 
It's very common that the insurance company of the driver who caused your crash to contact you and begin your claim, and as nice as the adjuster may be, it's important to remember that they do not work for you.  Their job is to pay out as little as possible as quickly as possible.  Neither of those things are in your best interest.   
This is a complicated question without a simple answer.  Was the pothole on a public roadway or on private property, like a parking lot?  Was the person responsible for the repair of that pothole aware that it existed?  Did they attempt to fix or warn people about it?  Those are just a few of the questions that need answers.  

What our clients say

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Clienta da su opinión sobre su experiencia con un abogado especialista en accidentes de moto

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Testimonio de cliente sobre su experiencia con nuestro equipo de abogados especialistas en accidentes de camión

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Testimonio de cliente de abogado especialista en accidentes automovilísticos

Top Reasons to Choose Metier Law Firm

El poder de Goliat con el tamaño de David

Ventajas financieras de una gran empresa con la estrecha relación personal con el cliente de una pequeña empresa

Somos los abogados que otros abogados contratan

Abogados de todo el país buscan y confían en nuestra firma para ayudar a sus clientes

Obtenemos resultados

Desde veredictos récord de $ 50 millones hasta acuerdos de límite de póliza de $ 50,000, cada centavo que se pueda ganar, se ganará

100 % dedicados a lesiones personales

No ejercemos ningún otro tipo de derecho y nos dedicamos por completo a ayudar a las víctimas de lesiones personales

Award Winning & Nationally Recognized Law Firm

Words displaying: Rated by - Super Lawyers
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Best Lawyers Award
Client Champion Silver 2021 award
AV MH Award
American Associate for Justice Leaders Forum award
Million Dollars Advocates Forum award
Top 1% Trial Counsel award
American Associate for Justice Presidents club 2011

Video Resources From Our Bicycle Accident Attorneys

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What Experience Do You Have with Professional Cyclists?

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What Steps Should I Take After a Bicycle Accident?

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Do I Still Have a Claim, Even If I Received a Ticket After a Bicycle Crash?

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After a Bicycle Crash, How Should I Deal with the Motorist's Insurance Company?

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I Was Attacked by a Dog While Riding My Bicycle. Who Is Responsible for My Damages?

View All Awards
Image of the Metier Law Firm team. | Metier Law Firm

Free Consultation

Do I have a Case?

How Much Should I Be Offered?

Do I Need an Attorney?

If these questions have crossed your mind, let us help. You may need a little direction or may not need an attorney at all, but you deserve to be confident knowing your options.  We can provide you with information about our Attorneys of the West® accident investigations and legal services. Your confidential consultation with us is totally free.

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