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Bellevue Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Near Me

Metier Law Firm uses SafeRider™ accident investigation and legal services

Washington may not be thought of as a state for motorcycles, but it has more to offer than the thick pine forests found in the Olympic Peninsula and the western portions of the state.

The Evergreen State’s shorelines, mountains, deserts, and canyons are some of the best motorcycle rides from Bellevue, Washington. If the weather cooperates, you can see them all in a single day.

The wet climate prevents many Bellevue motorcyclists from riding for most of the year, but when the sun comes out, especially over the summer, you’re sure to find motorcycle riders on the road. When those rides end abruptly by a collision, one of our Bellevue motorcycle accident attorneys can help you get compensation for your injuries and damages.

Landscape Metier Bellevue

Motorcycle Riders Must Exercise Caution in Washington

In 2021, there were over 1,800 crashes involving a motorcycle; 1,028 of which caused some sort of injury and 84 of which resulted in someone’s death. Any car accident can cause serious injuries, but motorcycle wrecks tend to be some of the most devastating crashes. Even being one of nineteen states requiring helmets for anyone on a motorcycle, Washington still averages 75 fatal motorcycle crashes annually.

Even with the best equipment, injuries to motorcycle riders can be severe and have long-lasting effects. The motorcycle accident attorneys at Metier Law Firm use Saferider accident investigation and legal services to help injured riders recover the highest settlements and verdicts possible.

Hire a Bellevue motorcycle accident lawyer with Metier Law Firm today that has the experience, knowledge and resources to maximize your compensation.

What Happens if I Get into a Motorcycle Accident in Bellevue?

The things you do after a motorcycle accident have a tremendous impact on your safety, recovery, and the likelihood of obtaining financial compensation. Bellevue motorcycle crashes can be extremely overwhelming and can faze you for a while.

But it’s important to get your bearings and take all the right steps to preserve evidence and get yourself to safety.

Make sure you are safe: Escaping immediate danger after a motorcycle accident is a priority.

  • Make sure other motorists realize what happened: In many Bellevue motorcycle accidents, an injured motorcycle rider may suffer secondary injuries due to other motorists failing to slow or brake at the scene of the crash.
  • Get contact info of the other driver: get the full name, phone number, insurance information and address of the driver involved in your motorcycle crash.
  • Get medical attention: Seeking medical attention after a motorcycle accident is very important because you may not feel your injuries until much later after the adrenaline wears off.
  • Call the police: A police report will serve as key evidence in your legal case, but they will capture witness statements that may be needed later for your settlement negotiations or trial.
  • Gather evidence and contact information: If you’re unable to walk around to take photos of the crash scene, ask bystanders and witnesses to take photos or videos and send them to you along with their name.

Talk with a Bellevue motorcycle accident lawyer: Before calling either insurance company, speak with one of our motorcycle accident attorneys to understand what your options are and the best way to handle your case.

How Long Do I Have to Submit a Bellevue Motorcycle Accident Claim?

After being injured from a motorcycle accident in Washington, you have three years from the date of the injury to file a claim (Rev. Code of WA 4.16.080). Even if you only have property damage, you only have three years from the date of the crash to file a property damage claim.

In the worst cases, the time limit generally for filing a wrongful death claim is three years from the date of death.

Evidence at the scene can be removed, dashcam or surveillance camera footage may be deleted, and witnesses will begin to forget details about your motorcycle crash without swift action by experienced attorneys. If severe injuries or a death results from a motorcycle crash, do not wait to talk with a Bellevue motorcycle accident attorney.

Most Common Motorcycle Accidents in Bellevue

Road and highway collisions can be complicated events that can involve multiple liable parties. Every accident is unique, and the most serious ones result in fatal injuries - especially the ones our Bellevue motorcycle accident attorneys see.

When a 2,000 pound vehicle collides with a motorcycle, severe injuries or death result because the rider and passenger’s only protection are helmets and clothing.

Driver error, inexperience riding a motorcycle, failure to yield to a motorcycle, and speeding are some leading causes of motorcycle accidents in Washington. Additional types of motorcycle crashes include:

      • A car turns left in front of you.
      • Unexpected gravel, materials, or substances on the roadway
      • A car changes lanes in front of you or into you
      • You are struck from behind
      • Blind spots at intersections
      • Road defects or improper signage
    Mountain Motorcycling

How Much Money Can I Get for My Motorcycle Accident Injury?

Every motorcycle crash is different.  Although you may find some verdicts and settlement amounts for motorcycle accidents (or even free online tools that calculate “how much your case is worth”), it is important to understand your injuries and your case is unique.

No two motorcycle accidents will be identical and without examining the specific details of your motorcycle crash, we can’t provide an estimate of your case value. The compensation you may be entitled to after a motorcycle accident will depend on the type and extent of the damages you or your family member suffered.

Some of the factors that may affect the value of your claim include:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • The monetary value of your economic and non-economic losses
  • The insurance coverage held by the parties in the case
  • Whether your case settles or goes to court (settlements tend to be smaller than verdicts)
  • The conduct of the at-fault party or parties
  • Issues of comparative fault

Another factor that can impact your motorcycle accident payout or trial result is the decision to retain a lawyer. Motorcycle riders who hire a Bellevue motorcycle attorney typically recover higher compensation amounts than those who try to handle the claim on their own.

Can I File a Claim if I was Partially to Blame?

The State of Washington uses "modified comparative negligence" (CO Rev Stat 13-21-111). This method implies that in some cases, a motorcycle accident victim will be entitled to obtain compensation even if they share fault. If a motorcycle accident victim is 50% or more to blame for the collision or crash, they will be unable to obtain compensation for their losses. If a jury assigns fault to the rider less than 50%, the overall sum paid will be reduced based on that number.

For example, if a motorcyclist incurs $100,000 in medical expenses and other damages but is determined to be 10% at fault by a jury, they will receive $90,000 instead of the entire $100,000.

Can I File a Claim if I Wasn’t Wearing a Helmet?

When a motorcycle helmet isn’t worn, besides being illegal and potentially putting your health at risk, you are also at risk of losing compensation in the event you suffer from a serious injury in a motorcycle accident.

Washington is a “pure” comparative negligence state. If you are riding on your motorcycle and are injured in an accident, comparative negligence can reduce the amount of damages you can recover.  In a negligence-based claim, not wearing a helmet may be viewed as your own negligence that contributed to your injuries.

For example, if it is determined that 30 percent of your head injuries were due to not wearing a helmet, then your compensation will be reduced by 30 percent.

Helmet Wearing

If you were in a motorcycle accident and weren’t wearing a helmet, it is vital to contact a Bellevue Motorcycle Accident attorney quickly. Having an experienced attorney on your side is your best chance to receive compensation for your motorcycle accident injuries.

Should I Call a Bellevue Motorcycle Lawyer Near Me?

You should never make a statement to an insurance adjuster or sign any documents without first consulting your lawyer. The motorcycle accident attorneys at Metier Law Firm do so much more than speak with the negligent driver’s insurance company on your behalf. Our legal team will focus on your claim and fight with the insurance companies so you can focus on healing.

Our Bellevue motorcycle accident attorneys will also:

  • Investigate your accident;
  • Gather relevant evidence;
  • Identify all liable parties;
  • Pursue all sources of compensation;
  • Assist in securing any personal property;
  • Handle all correspondence from insurance companies and accident-related creditors;
  • Assess your current and future medical and financial needs;
  • Hire qualified experts;
  • File a lawsuit on your behalf;
  • Negotiate a settlement with the insurance company; and
  • If no settlement is forthcoming, proceed with litigation.

Our motorcycle accident attorneys in Bellevue will not only guide you through your insurance claim process, but they will also protect you and your rights throughout the entire motorcycle case.

This is the dedication we believe in bringing to all types of personal Injury cases, please call us if you’ve been injured in Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, Nebraska, or Colorado in any of the following areas or any other personal injury case:

 Group photo of accident injury lawyers at Metier Law Firm

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How Much Should I Be Offered?

Do I Need an Attorney?

If these questions have crossed your mind, let us help. You may need a little direction or may not need an attorney at all, but you deserve to be confident knowing your options.  Your confidential consultation with us is totally free.

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